Lock and Load will generally give good results on most clips with the default settings and usually smoother than the build in stabilizer in FCP X (smoothcam) and Premiere Pro warp stabilizer. For some clips you may need to tweak the settings for best results. You can use Lock and Load on shaky hand held shots, or on a shoulder mount or tripod footage where you just want to smooth out the result a bit. The tips below will help you to improve your results from Lock and Load
- Please make you select the correct camera if you are using Rolling Shutter Reduction from the drop down list
- If possible shoot with a fast shutter in order to minimise motion blur.
- If the shaking / movement is very strong you may end up with the clip zoomed too much and lose quality. Please try adjusting the overall stabilisation strength to get the best trade off between smoothness and losing resolution.
- In some cases you may need to use the "Advanced / ROI" template which lets you set an area of the screen to ignore, or only use the movement based on a certain area to stabilize. This may be useful when you have additional movement which is counter to the main dominant movement in the clip. eg moving waves in the background of a handheld shot of a beach.
Please feel free to upload a clip to us to ask for specific advice on getting the best results.