Installation and Licensing
I have entered my serial but I am still getting 'trial expired'
Scribeomatic Points / How to enter
My edit system does not have an internet connection. How can I register?
How do I open the license installer to register my product?
I have lost my serial, can you please send it to me?
How many computers can I install on?
I have purchased an academic / not for profit license and I have not received my serial
I have purchased the 'Everything' bundle but I am getting trial expired in LUTx
I have entered my serial but I am still getting 'trial expired'
How do I update to the latest version of my plugins?
Installing CoreMelt products on macOS before Catalina (10.15)
Why do I see two versions of PaintX (or another product) installed in two effects categories?
How do I load project files from previous plugin versions?
I want to completely remove all CoreMelt products
Using the CoreMelt Manager Application
Installing Motion Templates
Where are files from CoreMelt installed? How to manually uninstall
How do I choose to only install some products in the installer?
Installation Instuctions for users pre Catalina
How do I uninstall / remove CoreMelt plugins
I have installed your plugins and I get a red 'missing effect' frame when I try to use them
I cannot run the installer, times out on verify
How do I update to the latest version of my plugins?
Product Support
Tracking tips for all products
Chromatic Color Grading Plugin
V2 Plugins
I am getting poor results with SliceX tracking / masking
I am trying to track a face and not getting a good result
Color Finale with Shape Mask Template (SliceX Extras)
I have signed up for SliceX free but I have not received my serial
How can I use SliceX to track a built in effect or a third party effect?
I am getting poor results with SliceX tracking / masking
I am trying to track a screen into a phone or tablet and not getting a good result
What do the settings in the option menu do in SliceX / TrackX / DriveX?
How do I track when an object moves in from of what I am tracking?
I am using TrackX and the clip I placed in the image well is not playing back correctly
I cannot find the 'Track Layer', 'Simple Tracker' and 'Track Text' plugins
I am trying to track a screen into a phone or tablet and not getting a good result
Lock and Load
I am not getting good results with Lock and Load stabilizer
How do I use Lock and Load on timelapses / hyperlapses ?
I am trying to use Lock and Load in Premiere Pro and getting an error about playback resolution
I am getting an "invalid clip" or other error when trying to track with Lock and Load
The camera I am using is not in the list of cameras in Lock and Load
I am not getting good results with Lock and Load stabilizer
Premiere Pro
Mailing list / social media
Sales Questions
Common across all products
I have experienced a crash / hang while using one of your plugins.
I cannot open FCP with the Rosetta2 launcher, nothing happens
Why do I see this message about on Apple Silicon macs?
Updated list of Apple Silicon Native products
I can't log into the CoreMelt website / can't see previous orders
Do you have any resources in other languages? (French, German, Spanish, Portugese, Japanese)
I have an old version of a CoreMelt Product in FxFactory, can I update?
I am trying to track / stabilize multicam clips and having a problem
Where can I find the help documentation for my product?
Do you have versions of your products for Windows?
I am trying to track / stabilize vertical video and not getting a good result
Do your products track / stabilize R3D raw files?
I am getting an error when trying to track / stabilize a MXF file
Do your products work on 4K video?
I have experienced a crash / hang while using one of your plugins.
Final Cut Pro 7