
I am having a problem using a plugin in FCP 7

Final Cut Pro 7 was discontinued in April 2011, over five years ago.  We continued to provide product support for FCP 7 for five years, but we no longer do so.  If you have Lock and Load or any of the products from our V2 Plugin Set , then your license is valid in FCP X or Premiere Pro / After Effects.

We do still make FCP 7 compatible versions available for download and they may still work but we make no promises.  If you have issues you can post on our community forum for help.

Please note that FCP 7 was never designed to run on recent versions of OS X / macOS.  We recommend you do not upgrade your system to any version of OS X newer than 10.9 Mavericks if you still rely on FCP 7.  You may get frequent out of memory errors and general errors on newer versions, not just with our plugins but when using built in effects as well.

Our latest installers still contain the last versions for FCP 7, so you can freely download them here:


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