We are a small Australian company so unfortunately we don't have the resources to translate our products into other languages at the moment. However some reviewers and users have made some videos and articles in other languages which may help you.
French: Playlist of French Videos
German: Playlist of German Videos
- Playlist of Spanish Videos
- Article on free plugins from motionfx.es
- Article on Essential plugins from motionfx.es
Portugese: Playlist of Portugese videos
We have a reseller in Japan who is happy to answer queries in Japanese. See here: http://www.flashbackj.com/
Other / Resellers:
Our products are also distributed through Toolfarm and they have resellers in many countries who may be able to help you in other languages. Please contact sales@toolfarm.com to enquire about local resellers in your country.
tags: Francais, Francophone, Deutsch, Espana, Nihongo, Português